Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's my praises you should sing!

"Having Tea With My Sisters" pg. 77 & 78
(Sam this was written with you in mind)

"Tarin’ me down"
Tare me down? But I’m your sister Black.
Whoever coined the phrase “Sticks and stones may break my bones but your words can never hurt me,” stated only a partial truth...
Yes, sticks and stones may break my bones – but the truth be told
Your words – they also hurt...
Walking down the street, afraid to walk past a crowd of my brothers. My head is bowed.
Yeah, I know what you’re thinking – you’re so ignorant you say it out loud
Okay! So my hair is short, and it’s little kinky
But you should realize King, these locs…these curls hold decades of African Culture…YOUR history.
Since you don’t know maybe I outta tell you so
I‘m a Queen. And you… you are a King,
It is my praises you should sing.
Extol Me
You I will raise high…High Black above the sky
The young Black mind needs to be trained,
The intellect refined
Worthy of love; of elevation
Not ignorance or humiliation
We must learn to invigorate and stimulate wealth and Power of the mind.
Wait a minute. Listen...
: a person or thing having great influence, force, or authority; Power defined.
Love me your Sister… Admire my wide spread eyes and beautiful brown skin.
Tarin me down should be a sin
I desire to be elevated, my Brother, not hated
Let the Love you have for a Sister
ALL Sisters be positively communicated.
Author: Pamella Coffey

Twitter: Pamella @PoodleTweeting