"WE, each of us, are unique | complex | and beautiful | in our OWN individual right"
Excerpt: "Having Tea with My Sisters"
When is the natural flow of love | comradery | and kinship | interrupted?... When is that natural flow turned OFF?... When and What is it replaced with?... Do WE realize at the, exact, moment this is happening?... And why is it allowed ???
Disallowed is what it should be.
- It's okay if I look across the isle and into the face of another beautiful woman;"Hello my name is Poodle. Welcome."
- It's okay when I find myself seated at a presentation and another strong woman is teaching me something I don't know OR is instructing me in an area that was foreign to me. "Thank you" I love it!
WE should be secure in our own uniqueness | assured in our cognizance IN whatever area life and/or education has afforded us. WE, each of us, have something of great value to offer... NO doubt kindred!
Operating in my own security *smilin* "I love myself , therefore, I am freely able to love you." Poodle
Q & A
Q: Have you had an occasion when you had to 'check' your emotions at the door, lay your barriers down, and open yourself up to, give and/or receive, what is there - at that moment - IN that space at that time?
Absolutely Love this!!!! I as you absolutely love myself and therefore I am free to love you too! There was a time when I didn't love me but my natural flow of love, comradery,and kinship fortunately has never been turned off!
ReplyDeleteSeeing a beautiful strong woman is empowering to me! My Truth...but truth is we all aren't like this! sad!
ReplyDeleteThank you!... I'm lovin' your vibe!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure why but SOMETIMES we, as as women, are uncomfortable saying "I love myself" when that is exactly how we should feel... ... ... BUT that's a different subject matter for a another time ;)
PN: I 2nd "truth is we all aren't like this" LOVE!