There, at one time, was the notional idea that technology could keep us ALL connected. How brilliant!.. Really. It was!.. And it Does... :: or :: Does it?
Online social network(s) like: Facebook | Twitter | Linkedin | my[------]space | Google + etc
I am connected to all, but one, of the sites listed... Aaaaand I must say, each site (in addition to many others) do an incredible job of keeping US connected - And THEY make A heap of money - doing so *wink to all the folks who've become rich because of online social networks*
Personally I am overjoyed when I'm able to connect with A family member, via fb etc, who has perhaps migrated hundreds of miles away (or vise versa) and/or has not attended a family event in years... classmates who I've not seen, or spoken to, since high school college And; SOME as far back as; grammar school... former church members... childhood friends... Ex boyfriends... And the list goes on ~
I think initially many of us feel the same way... ... ... we get excited; endorphin levels are raised... ... ... And we start pecking away at our keyboards = peck peck peck peck Ping peck peck peck* we start sharing a barrage of comments | pics | well wishes... we send shout out(s) And internet xo's... we exchange home & cellphone #'s... some of us make plans to see each other face2face And look forward to the opportunity to exchange real conversation... we plan lunch dates, dinner dates, And reply "yes" or "maybe" to online invites... ... ... And then - often times - that's all it turns out to be... ... ... a "plan" WITH GOOD INTENTIONS... ... ... an idea or notion that was formulated And put in motion but hijacked with no real follow thru or effort... SOMETIMES communication is slowed or, somehow, stopped... ... ... And then - we are further updated - through statuses, online pics, And flyers in our online news feeds -- phone calls are not exchanged -- our planned outings are rescheduled, post-phoned, or they just never happen *sigh* And you know; well; life goes on *deeper sigh* lol
"k.i.t = keep it touch" was scribbled in the back of year books, on class ribbons, on the backs of pictures And hand written letters... Um *clearing my throat* but for ole schoolers, like me, k.i.t has been upgraded to ::
bb4N = bye bye for now
imy = I miss you
hmll = hit my line later
tml = text me later
ttys = talk to you soon
lyl = love you later And the list goes on ~
I've learned a connection - virtual or actual - isA connection... I love connecting with people... I've also learned, And I'm personally reminded, that it's THAT *Real *Actual *Tangible connection that is most important. We just have to put forth the effort to maintain one *wink wink* double wink poodle
Awesome Post! I am starting to fall more in love with technology as I run my businesses and connect with people who I would have never met...
ReplyDeleteI agree. Just 2 1/2 years ago my daughter created my fb pg because I was standoffish about doing so lol (seems like so long ago).. TODAY fb And a few other social networking sites are a major part of my daily interactions :)
DeleteThank you for taking the time to read & comment.. Best wishes to you, your fam, And your business endeavors!
And hey look out for my book "Having Tea with My sisters" on the market soon ;) Tc!