echoes in the chamber of our heart
has there ever been a time when you knew it was best to end a relationship but the words "I love you".. "I'm sorry".. "I need you".. "It won't happen again".. "It was a mistake; will you forgive me".. "You're the ONE I love".. "I'll try harder".. "We belong together".. etc, etc, etc.. kept echoing in the chamber of your heart over And over And over again?.. And somehow those words were on playback for several months or even years.. .. somehow that bond had been broken And there was an obvious disconnect.. .. somehow "I love you" just wasn't enough anymore?.. Have you gotten to place - yet - where you realize it takes more than love?.. ||A connection is Awesome ||Um good chemistry is Fabulous WHEN you combine |/love |/a good connect |/and fabulous chemistry.. you're own your way BUT you hav2 to know that there's STILL work.. .. .. a work that takes two willing partners!.. daaaaats IF a committed relationship is what you're looking for.. IF not "carry on" BUT here's a suggestion: save yourself for someone who is worthy - don't haphazardly give your love away!.. it's much too precious *wink*
I know.. I know.. some of you may look at me as an old-fogey-stogie *lol*
well.. first.. "I'm not" *lol* but really, one of the simplest truths I can share with you is when you truly know how to love yourself - you will better know how to love others And discern who is worthy And deserving of your love.. it's knowing your love is a 'precious' gift !!! it's notA offering or donation !!!.. .. you hold on to it until the Receiver is worthy of such a gift.. .. .. .. EVEN with the occasional slip\mistake - KNOW - your self worth
I certainly haven't given up on love *unt uh NEVER* I simply slam the door on heartache !!! And then I just walk away *double wink* haha
All you need is a whisper ~~~~ > "I love myself".. add some reverb to that And it will drown out all that other nonsense*lol* it seems we sometimes waste too much time on empty words broken promises And shallow intent. I've said - a million times - I believe loving someone And having someone love you back is a beautiful thing; it's yummy; eat it up *smile* it's the NOT really knowing how to love ourselves THAT is the bigger issue.