Dear Puppet Master why ARE you always pulling my strings?..
She (the puppet) woke one morning to the simple truth that She was allowing her emotional state to determine her current state of being; of subsisting; of existing... She realized she was choking the life outta living... NO matter how fleeting, or to what degree, her emotions would dictate her mood for the next: minute | hour | week | month | year... yeeeeeears! *whew*
- IF She was in love... She loved the world... Mmmmmuah *hand toss to the sky*
- IF She was mad... the world was gonna know it AND you better get outta her way
- IF She had been hurt... She might lash-out @ those who were unspecting and undeserving
- IF She was sad... 'Sorrowful' was her make up artist... She wore it all over my face
- IF She was afraid - her fear was over-shadowed by a multitude of additional negative emotions = > - > - > unsafe | unsure | neglected... She THEN opened the door and welcomed = > - > - > unhappiness | apprehensiveness | unworthiness | self-doubt
Ummm... @ 'a time' the "She" I'm speaking of was me...
Pleeeez believe, dear heart, life has so much more to offer to you AND you have so so so much more to offer the world. Be your own school teacher... within the confines of your own home... LEARN to live not just exist. Start with making a commitment to *yourself* to not fake happy BUT live happy... to not fake joy BUT be consumed with joy... to not seek peace BUT to create your own peace... look wide and deep *search yourself* be honest with what you find AND apply a sincere unshakable unyeilding work ethic toward improving those areas YOU determine to be in need of redressing... Believe me... I've been there; done that ; ) Good Morning Beautiful... HavA fantastic friday *roll up your sleeves | WAKE UP your true spiritual being AND live life* Thank You Creator! Poodle
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