I shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that bringeth forth my fruit in my season; my leaves also shall not wither; and whatsoever I doeth shall prosper. King James | Psalm 1:3
Agreeing with the Universe and co-creating with my Creator. I am affirming who I am.
- I am the Embodiment of JOY
- I am the Embodiment of LOVE
- I am the Embodiment of PEACE
- I am the Embodiment of *PURPOSE
- I am the Embodiment of PROSPERITY
- I am the Embodiment of *FAITH
- I am the Embodiment of *FAVOR
- I am the Embodiment of FRUITFULNESS
... of Well Doing
... of Good Will
... of *Good Health
I'm convinced that when we affirm ourselves - it is NOT necessary to seek affirmation from everyone else... Good Morning loves! Poodle
... of Grace
ReplyDelete... of Courage
... of Diligence
Yes. Yes. and Yes!