Saturday, January 12, 2013

Yes... that She is Me!

Colorful Floral Girl Silhouette
She | Her | Me:

Who is "She"?... "She" is me... Who am "I" you ask?... weeeell... "I" am she.
my LIFE journey; enthusiastically and at times unapologetic; moves forward toward completeness AND so I move forward relinquishing unneeded emotional and intellectual baggage as part of this process. In other words... I take ownership of my own personal properties - which by the way - does not leave much time or space for me to stand in the doorway of my sister's property - gawking and passing judgement - on her developmentijs  

...connecting with my essence is essentially - acknowledging the undeniable *wink*
... it's simply realizing and exuding what is within...
- Admittedly, I am a flawed individual BUT one thing that does not come into question - is the 'core' of my being... 
- It's simple... IF my 'core' (my innermost part) is beautiful... what, then, does that make me?... Ummm *assertively raising my eye brows* beautiful!!!
- Even simpler... IF ones intent is of ill will - their 'core' THEN would be the opposite of beautiful...
- Question then :: should I be reserved in expressing something that is undeniable?... Undeniable specifically, and most importantly, to me?... Should I "hide dis TRUTH under a bushel" ???
- Question compounded... Should I hide my flashlight underneath my garment in an attempt to decrease its brilliance?... Nope. Never. 
Never haughty or contemptuous... distributing and receiving effective communication IN love! Poodle