I am not all knowing... BUT
I am happy the Succession of LIFE affords me the opportunity to learn And SOMETIMES relearn (I'll blame that on the Taurus in me)
to occasionally think And rethink things... it affords me the opportunity to love outside of comfort... it encourages me to expand instead of escape... it gives me the desire to restore that - that has been damaged...
I've learned to forgive myself... Yes Sirrrr!.. I believe it's equally as important as forgiving others.
I've learned sometimes we must put forgiveness to work... WHEN confronted with the actual act of forgiving... I mean when we (me forgiveness & unforgiveness) were right there face2face... ... ... there wasA situation... in that moment... there I was... silently questioning ???... I had to check myself...
I've learned - I mean - there came A time when I suddenly And surprisingly; had to search, question, contemplate, And genuinely consider??? "Have I really forgiven?"..."Wow. Can I?"
I've learned it is easier to say... ... ... "I forgive you" or "I forgive but I will not forget" "I love you but I choose to love you from a distance" or "Okay, let's move forward"... ... ... I can personally tell you... ... ... it's putting that thing to work that is the Real test... that rethinking & relearning... expanding instead of escaping... it's that loving outside of comfort!..
I've learned it's A #lifetime not just A moment... poodle
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