MORE than poetic - this piece is 'real life'
I woke early on a spring morning... ... I had fallen asleep with a heavy heart and had awaken feeling pretty much the same. I slowly rose And made my way to the bathroom... I paused; as I passed the bathroom mirror - my head slightly bowed; I stood there for a moment And leaned closer into the mirror. I first noticed the creases underneath my eyes; my eyes were somber and full of sadness; my face showed a face that had weathered some years of hurt, disappointments, heartache, mistakes, BUT there was a lot of joy hidden there too... I stood there a little longer; staring at my reflection; and I could feel the heaviness lifting... I smiled because MORE than my physical make up (this shell that covers me) I love my inner being... ... my intent is never callous or of ill will And tho I'm not perfect, my nature is sincere and well doing... Yepper. Indeed... I am beautiful!... ... ... I then started my day with my personal affirmations | a light workout | yoga | prayer & meditation... I started THAT day living in the present!
*Occasionally we have to remind ourselves*

My niece, a gorgeous young lady, said it well in her fb post earlier this week. RE-POST - - >
Charise aka Boo
"I am beautiful inside and out, smart,caring and loving person! It's so funny to me that when u feel this way or when u say these things about yourself. Some people associate this with being conceited. I don't understand their logic because if I don't love myself how can I ever love anyone else. My definition of being conceited is put yourself on a pedestal and trying to make people around you feel less than you maybe because they aren't like you, u feel they don't have as much as u or may not be as educated as u. When u talk down on someone or put up status to degrade people just because u feel u are better for what ever reason. You show the world ur insecurities! If u see where someone is weak give a hand or even some knowledge to help them better themselves, don't tear them down or don't say nothing at all. Good Morning World #womenempowerment"
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