Thursday, January 30, 2014

Whenever I found myself in THE fragile position...

"... I had picked up these characteristics/flaws along my passageway of life, as an innate coping mechanism, and I had made them part of my package deal. Whenever I found myself in the fragile position of having to entrust my heart to someone else, I would quietly back away.

But you know love is a funny thing. It doesn’t matter how solid or how high your wall [you know your protective barrier] when you fall in love it will be penetrated. Like an organized body of troops has just stormed and invaded your private space, it will be penetrated."    Chapter:1 pg 49 | Having Tea With My Sisters 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

When We are made to feel good...

Isn't it curiously funny how when many of us are made to feel good OR special by word or deed; a full-grown woman, feeling content, will take on childlike behavior? We began batting our eyelashes [bashful in manner] becoming giddy - wanting to cuddle with our man - nudging nose to cheek while speaking in a gentle tone so soft and smooth it would shame a firm stick of butter.

Feeling like a young school girl sitting on the front stoop of a red-brick brownstone on a hot sticky summer day… - feet swinging, fashioning two ponytails [A pink ribbon on each] yellow ankle sox, canvass whites, denim shorts, and a pink-tee with a young Michael Jackson plastered across the front. Deliberate in your inspection of each lick of your favorite flavored ice cream cone “mmmmm” delightful. Chapter 1 | pg 12

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Many of our lives have been interrupted or shattered by broken relationships...

Having Tea With My Sisters

Author: Pamella Coffey

"Many of our lives have been interrupted or shattered by broken relationships...

We find ourselves picking up the pieces alone while trying very hard to put our lives back in order because we allowed ourselves to totally trust in And rely on a man – for what we expected and hoped to be – complete and total fulfillment. Impossible!

Impossible and unfair to expect or Ask of any man outside of God,Himself, and Him you won’t have to ask.

Please don't misinterpret my comments as “man bashing”; oh no… contra’, that is not my intent. I absolutely adore men, and I love being in a relationship with a man who is deserving of my love.
Being in love, loving someone, and having someone love you back is a beautiful thing. Actually I believe it to be a blessing.. And it should be honored as such" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..  Chapter: 1 | pg: 40, 41

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ladies we are amazing creatures...

"Ladies, we are amazing creatures. We are strong human vessels; God created us this way. Just take a moment to examine your life. Think back… look at some of the trials you have come through And out – and the great accomplishments you have made – some of which you had almost given up on..."

"I believe in living on purpose! I am convinced my purpose was not to be birthed into this world ‘drawing the breath of life’ to simply muddle thru life with no consciousness… offering nothing and giving nothing back; taking withdrawals and leaving no deposit!"


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

BE beautiful! It's your birthright!

My creativity is not in competition with my neighbors' (in other words, my creativity is not in competition with my sisters') And just as I am certain my creativity cannot be authentically duplicated (and I am certain of that thank God) neither can my sisters'... No worries there.

I am so very comfortable with who I am And what I have to offer *smilin'* therefore I do not look at my sister (who Is also Shining) and began to question my position... 

FOR ME... IF there is a time when I feel a tinge of any of the following: un-confident; uncertain; insecure; doubtful; inhibited; OR timid... I simply stiffen my spin And hold-fast to who I am. 

I would like to encourage some And remind others "we EACH OF US are unique complex And beautiful in our own individual right" ... ... ...

Remember after YOU the mold was broken. And what YOU have to offer NO one else can *wink*

Love And Peace

Friday, January 3, 2014

Shine Bright likeA Diamond...

There will be times when peeps will want you to hide your light underA bushel. 

I would like to encourage you to shine... SHINE brighter *wink*  Author Pamella Coffey "Having Tea With My Sisters" 

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