Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How Do You View Your Glass?... 1/2 full or 1/2 empty?

I had a soooomewhat traumatic childhood... I will get into the different areas of my young life experiences as we move forward through this journey. Today - we are basically beginning the journey SO let's get to know one another (all involved) a little better before we get IN deep.

Okay... to the subject at hand: How do you view your glass?... 1/2 full or 1/2 empty?

From: childhood | adolescence | my teenage years | and then finally early on into my adulthood... I viewed my glass as 1/2 empty BUT I learned *developed the ability*, in latter years, to view my glass as 1/2 full. I developed a desire for continual growth (SELF growth) IN my personage... THIS for me, at certain periods in my life, is a daily WORK... As some work-out in the gym 1,2,3,4 times a week to develop their desired physic; I desired to work-out (or 'on' IF you will) my inner being; SELF growth mentally | physically | and spiritually | AND so I further realized my life journey is partly about my OWN perception and how that perception is *internalized *spiritually realized and *universalized. Wow.

Definition(s) of universalized JUST because >>>

universalized  past participle, past tense of u·ni·ver·sal·ize(Verb)

  1. Give a universal character or application to (something, esp. something abstract): "theories that universalize experience".
  2. Bring into universal use; make available for all.

Okay... this is where my explanation of a traumatic childhood, at least for me, comes into play. I believe because of the maaaany negative elements in my formative years (childhood): people | places | things | I somehow developed - and carried through life - with me - a pessimistic outlook OR way of - NOT really - looking at things a certain way... ... it was more to the point of expecting things would turn out a certain way

I was a grown woman BUT on some levels - I was still an immature; and at times insecure; abused little girl from the south side of Chicago... BUT my Creator decided my story would not end there... ... 

I knew I wanted to improve what I had to offer my children, my family and friends, and even broader the world. I went to work *happily* and I'm still working ;) meet Poodle aka Pamella

Q: How do you view your glass? And if you care to share... Why?